Finishing Systems EcoFlex | MicroFlex

EcoFlex Industrial Powder Coating Oven

Reduce your energy costs by 70%

The EcoFlex Model ECO-1030-4 uses just $3.20/hour in total energy cost. The system uses unheated cleaning and surface preparation, and the dry-off oven recovers heat exhausted from the IR cure ovens, reducing your energy cost.

Reduce space used by 60%

The basic EcoFlex system fits in a tiny space of just 700 square feet.

No sludge.  No hazardous waste.

  • No Water Pollution
  • No Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
  • No Halogenated Hydrocarbons (HHCs)
  • No chlorinated fluorinated compounds (CFCs)
  • No SOx or NOx
  • No Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs)
  • Low VOC Emissions

Exhaust products convert to CO2 and water within 48 hours. Total CO2 emissions are just a fraction of systems with gas burners.

Watch a Demonstration of the EcoFlex Powder Coating System

EcoFlex Powder Coating System (PDF - 4.5 MB)

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